Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, July 19, 2024
Many No Longer Fast on Friday’s or Abstain from Meat throughout the Year
Message from Our Savior, Jesus Christ to Anna Marie, an Apostle of the Green Scapular, in Houston, Texas, USA on July 14, 2024

Anna Marie: My dear Lord, are You calling me?
Jesus: Yes My little one.
Anna Marie: My Lord are You Father, Son or Holy Spirit?
Jesus: It is I, your Lord God and Savior, Jesus of Nazareth who is calling you.
Anna Marie: My Lord, I am not worthy to ask You this, but please may I? Will You bow down and adore God Your Holy, Eternal, Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?
Jesus: Yes My dear one, I your Divine Savior, Jesus the Christ, will now and will always bow down and adore My Holy, Eternal, Merciful Father, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible. And yes, My Eternal, Merciful Father is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
Anna Marie: Please speak my Divine Savior, for Your sinful servant is now listening.
Jesus: My dear one, I have called you this evening to speak about a tragic event that is being planned by the enemies of your nation. This planned attack can be mitigated through prayers and fastings. Many no longer fast on Friday’s or abstain from meat throughout the year, only during Lent do they attempt to honor this age old tradition. I ask all My beloved children to return to this practice in order to mitigate the many planned attacks that will devastate your nation, America. Even My children in other various countries can mitigate the plots of satan by returning to fasting and abstinence throughout the year.
Anna Marie: Yes dear Jesus.
Jesus: My little one, this planned attack will take place within three-months and I do now request My beloved and obedient children to pray earnestly to My Heavenly Father to have mercy and to mitigate it. The devastation, if not mitigated, will kill many and would be broadcast all over the world.
Jesus: Ask My holy dear ones to offer their sorrows and sufferings daily to help mitigate this evil attack so that My Father’s wrath will be lessened and your citizens can be saved from harm. The time now approaches when My Father’s wrath will no longer be held back because your nation has violated every holy Commandment given to Moses.
Anna Marie: Yes dear Jesus.
Jesus: Be in peace, pray and pray more.
Anna Marie: Dear Jesus, in three-months it will be October 14, 2024, if there is no attack will this “tragic event” have been avoided?
Jesus: Yes, this is what may take place. Do your best to get in all your prayers and novenas today. Pray, pray and pray more. Your families depend on all your prayers. This is not the time to stop praying for your spouses, children, grandchildren, friends, enemies, cities, states and countries. Pray harder and with love in your hearts.
Anna Marie: Yes dear Jesus. My Lord, may I ask You, would this attack take place in the North, South, East or West?
Jesus: My little one, you are not permitted to know this. It would only cause confusion to others. Pray dear one.
Anna Marie: Yes sweet merciful Jesus, I will. Jesus: That is all.
Anna Marie: Thank You Jesus. We all love You Jesus, all Apostles love You. We thank You for saving Donald Trump’s life.
Jesus: It was My Heavenly Father’s will. Be in peace.
Source: ➥